Risks of Abnormally Hot Days for the Population of Baku and | 25082

Журнал климатологии и прогнозирования погоды

ISSN - 2332-2594


Risks of Abnormally Hot Days for the Population of Baku and Assessment of Efficiency of Possible Adaptation Actions

Taghiyeva UR, Hasanov MS, Ahmadova JN, Mammadova AF and Ahmadova QB

The researchers conducted in the field of assessment of how climate change will alter human health risks is essential for preventing climate-related morbidity and mortality. The sensitiveness of people against unfavorable meteorological conditions with increase of continuation and repeating anomalous and dangerous hydro meteorological events was raised. For that reason provision of population and relevant organizations with results of researches may contribute to implementation of adaptation measures and reduce of possible risks connected with climate changes. In article the dependence between calls of ambulance and the maximum daily temperature is considered. The dependence between air temperature in summer months and population mortality is revealed.